A: Identify the Word

From the meanings given, fill in the gaps and identify the words:

1.      To abolish, or cancel the validity of something                                                annul

2.      Deviating from the norm or usual                                                                      anomalous

3.      Obsessional fear of becoming fat by refusing food                                         anorexia

4.      A collection of literary works, excerpts, or passages                                      anthology

5.      A course of hors d’oeuvres in an Italian meal                                                  antipasto

6.      A feeling of intense dislike or hatred                                                                 antipathy

7.      Something that’s the exact opposite                                                                 antithesis

8.      A word that means the opposite of another word                                          antonym

9.      A laxative                                                                                                                 aperient

10.   A short pithy saying expressing a general truth                                               aphorism

11.   Someone who keeps bees                                                                                    apiarian

12.   Extreme self-confidence or self-possession                                                      aplomb

13.   A prophetic revelation or disclosure                                                                  apocalypse

14.   Of questionable authenticity                                                                               apocryphal

15.   The highest point                                                                                                   apogee

16.   Abandonment of one’s faith or religion                                                             apostasy

17.   A short cryptic remark containing an accepted truth                                      apothegm

18.   The elevation of a person to the status of a god                                              apotheosis

19.   Ideally suited for the purpose                                                                              apposite

20.   Praise and commendation                                                                                    approbation

21.   A less significant part or thing                                                                              appurtenance

22.   Appropriate of pertinent                                                                                       apropos

23.   The domed or vaulted recess at one end of a church                                      apse

24.   Having the curved shape of an eagle’s beak                                                      aquiline

25.   Describing land capable of being cultivated for crops                                     arable

26.   The scientific group name for spiders                                                                arachnid

27.   Subject to personal whims and prejudices                                                        arbitrary

28.   Requiring secret knowledge to be understood                                                 arcane

29.   The jargon peculiar to a group, often thieves                                                   argot

30.   A catastrophic conflict; the war to end all wars                                               Armageddon

31.   A large French-style chest or cabinet                                                                 armoire

32.   To bring a prisoner before a court to answer an indictment                         arraign

33.   Someone unscrupulously ambitious                                                                  arriviste

34.   Someone who abstains from worldly pleasures                                              ascetic

35.   Acting obstinately or stupidly                                                                              asinine

36.   A malicious or disparaging remark                                                                     aspersion

37.   A sharp temper                                                                                                      asperity

38.   Persevering and hard-working                                                                            assiduous

39.   To soothe or relieve pain or grief                                                                       assuage

40.   The wasting away of part of the body                                                               atrophy

dado  b

dalliance  a

dearth  b

debacle  c

debilitate  c

decant  a

declivity  b

decrepitude  b

de facto  a

deferential  a

deleterious  a

deliquescent  a

demagogue  c

demeanor  a

demimonde  b

demonic  a

demurrer  a

denigrate  b

denouement  c

deshabille  a

desuetude  a

dextral  b

dharma  b

diatribe  b

dichotomy  c

didactic a
The following round lists words with their first and last letters missing – which you are asked to replace.  As the meanings of the words are supplied, you shouldn’t have too much trouble.  In fact, this may just be a speed round!

To issue or flow from                                                                                              _manat_

 To free from restraint                                                                                             _mancipat_
 To deprive of masculine properties                                                                     _masculat_

 To prohibit or restrict                                                                                             _mbarg_
 The blocking of a vein by blood clot                                                                    _mbolis_

 In an early stage, underdeveloped                                                                      _mbryoni_

To correct by removing faults                                                                               _mendat_

 Retired from academic work                                                                                _meritu_

 A substance that causes vomiting                                                                        _meti_

 A preparation that soothes skin                                                                           _mollien_

 Understanding another person’s feelings                                                           _mpath_

 Conclusions based on experiment                                                                        _mpirica_

 Heavenly or sublime                                                                                                _mpyrea_

 To equal by imitation                                                                                               _mulat_

 A citation of very high praise                                                                                  _ncomiu_    

 Exclusive to a localised area                                                                                   _ndemi_

To invigorate                                                                                                             _nergis_

To weaken or debilitate                                                                                          _nervat_

 An embarrassing child                                                                                            _nfant terribl_

 To bring something about                                                                                     _gender_

Something unexplainable                                                                                       _nigm_

To instruct someone to do something                                                                 _njoi_

 A feeling of hostility                                                                                               _nmit_

 A feeling of boredom                                                                                             _nnu_

 Something outrageous, of extreme wickedness                                               _normit_

To implore, bed or plead                                                                                        _ntrea_

To articulate clearly                                                                                                 _nunciat_

 Transient, short-lived                                                                                             _phemer_

A person devoted to sensual pleasures                                                               _picur_

A paradoxical saying or short verse                                                                      _pigra_


D: Choose the Correct Meaning

Which one of the three choices, a, b, or c, most accurately fits the meaning of the word?

a.      Early 20th century surrealist movement
b.      The decorated or paneled lower part of the walls of a room
c.      A drink made from almonds

a.      Flirting
b.      Sparkling
c.      Long-winded oratory

a.      A plague
b.      Scarcity
c.      Frightening appearance

a.      An ornamental silver buckle
b.      A large garden party
c.      A complete rout and collapse

a.      To nourish
b.      To would
c.      To weaken

a.      To pour from one receptacle to another
b.      To confess one’s sins
c.      To sing in a monotone voice

a.      An abrupt drop
b.      A gradual slope downwards
c.      A sudden drop in barometric pressure

a.      Persistent drunkenness
b.      The state of being enfeebled and worn out
c.      Old age

de facto
a.      Existing, though perhaps not legally
b.      In defiance of the law
c.      With the permission of the court

a.      Showing respect
b.      Sullen
c.      Habitually careless

a.      Noxious
b.      Extremely sweet
c.      Wholesome

a.      A substance that dissolves in moisture absorbed from the air
b.      A substance capable of burning the sin
c.      A substance that can explode on contact

a.      A person who hates religion
b.      A person with an urge to degrade others
c.      An agitator who plays on the passions and prejudices of others

a.      A manner of behaviour and appearance
b.      The art of arguing a cause
c.      Prone to easy seduction

a.      Objects and clothing made in the 1920s
b.      Women of dubious character
c.      A jeweled cloche hat

a.      Relating to the common people
b.      Staring wildly
c.      A student of the black arts

a.      An objection
b.      A writ
c.      A demand for payment

a.      To use cosmetics excessively
b.      To belittle or defame
c.      To remove teeth unnecessarily

a.      A foiled elopement
b.      A military surrender
c.      The unraveling and solution of a mystery

a.      only partly dressed
b.      wanton
c.      in mourning

a.      the condition of being unused or abandoned
b.      relaxation
c.      tiredness

a.      left-handed
b.      right-handed
c.      colour-blind

a.      Indian cooking based on lamb and hot spices
b.      Hindu religious and moral duty
c.      Silk sash worn with a sari

a.      Cross-breeding between communities
b.      A bitter verbal denunciation
c.      Folk medicine

a.      The second hymn in a church service
b.      An operation on the joints of the foot
c.      Division into two parts

a.      Inclined to teach
b.      Inclined to avoid problems
c.      Inclined to depend on others