The following round lists words with their first and last letters missing – which you are asked to replace.  As the meanings of the words are supplied, you shouldn’t have too much trouble.  In fact, this may just be a speed round!

To issue or flow from                                                                                              _manat_

 To free from restraint                                                                                             _mancipat_
 To deprive of masculine properties                                                                     _masculat_

 To prohibit or restrict                                                                                             _mbarg_
 The blocking of a vein by blood clot                                                                    _mbolis_

 In an early stage, underdeveloped                                                                      _mbryoni_

To correct by removing faults                                                                               _mendat_

 Retired from academic work                                                                                _meritu_

 A substance that causes vomiting                                                                        _meti_

 A preparation that soothes skin                                                                           _mollien_

 Understanding another person’s feelings                                                           _mpath_

 Conclusions based on experiment                                                                        _mpirica_

 Heavenly or sublime                                                                                                _mpyrea_

 To equal by imitation                                                                                               _mulat_

 A citation of very high praise                                                                                  _ncomiu_    

 Exclusive to a localised area                                                                                   _ndemi_

To invigorate                                                                                                             _nergis_

To weaken or debilitate                                                                                          _nervat_

 An embarrassing child                                                                                            _nfant terribl_

 To bring something about                                                                                     _gender_

Something unexplainable                                                                                       _nigm_

To instruct someone to do something                                                                 _njoi_

 A feeling of hostility                                                                                               _nmit_

 A feeling of boredom                                                                                             _nnu_

 Something outrageous, of extreme wickedness                                               _normit_

To implore, bed or plead                                                                                        _ntrea_

To articulate clearly                                                                                                 _nunciat_

 Transient, short-lived                                                                                             _phemer_

A person devoted to sensual pleasures                                                               _picur_

A paradoxical saying or short verse                                                                      _pigra_