A – Z Tests: Expanding Your Vocabulary, Challenging Your Brain, Stretching Your Mind

A: Identify the Word

From the meanings given, fill in the gaps and identify the words:

1.      To abolish, or cancel the validity of something                                                a _ _ ul

2.      Deviating from the norm or usual                                                                      ano _ al _ us

3.      Obsessional fear of becoming fat by refusing food                                         a _ _ r _ x _ _

4.      A collection of literary works, excerpts, or passages                                      an _ _ o _ _ gy

5.      A course of hors d’oeuvres in an Italian meal                                                  an _ i _ _ sto

6.      A feeling of intense dislike or hatred                                                                 ant _ pa _ _ y

7.      Something that’s the exact opposite                                                                 ant _ _h _ s _ s

8.      A word that means the opposite of another word                                          a _ _ o _ ym

9.      A laxative                                                                                                                 aper _ _ _ t

10.   A short pithy saying expressing a general truth                                               a _ h _ r _ sm

11.   Someone who keeps bees                                                                                    api _ _ i a _

12.   Extreme self-confidence or self-possession                                                      ap _ _ _ b

13.   A prophetic revelation or disclosure                                                                  apo _ _ ly _ _ e

14.   Of questionable authenticity                                                                               apo _ _ _ ph _ l

15.   The highest point                                                                                                   ap _ _ ee

16.   Abandonment of one’s faith or religion                                                             ap _ s _ a _ y

17.   A short cryptic remark containing an accepted truth                                      apo _ _ egm

18.   The elevation of a person to the status of a god                                              ap ­_ theo _ _ s

19.   Ideally suited for the purpose                                                                              app _ _ i _ e

20.   Praise and commendation                                                                                    a _ _ _ _bation

21.   A less significant part or thing                                                                              app _ _ t _ n _ nce

22.   Appropriate of pertinent                                                                                       ap _ _ _ os

23.   The domed or vaulted recess at one end of a church                                      a _ se

24.   Having the curved shape of an eagle’s beak                                                      aq _ _ l _ _ e

25.   Describing land capable of being cultivated for crops                                     ar _ _ le

26.   The scientific group name for spiders                                                                a _ _ ch _ i _

27.   Subject to personal whims and prejudices                                                        a _ b _ _ r _ r _

28.   Requiring secret knowledge to be understood                                                 a _ _ a _ e

29.   The jargon peculiar to a group, often thieves                                                   a _ _ ot

30.   A catastrophic conflict; the war to end all wars                                               A _ _ a _ _ dd _ _

31.   A large French-style chest or cabinet                                                                 ar _ _ _ _ e

32.   To bring a prisoner before a court to answer an indictment                         ar _ a _ gn

33.   Someone unscrupulously ambitious                                                                  arr _ vi _ t _

34.   Someone who abstains from worldly pleasures                                              as _ _ t _ c

35.   Acting obstinately or stupidly                                                                              as _ _ i _ e

36.   A malicious or disparaging remark                                                                     as _ _ r _ _ on

37.   A sharp temper                                                                                                      asp _ r _ _ y

38.   Persevering and hard-working                                                                            ass _ _ u _ _ s

39.   To soothe or relieve pain or grief                                                                       a _ s _ _ ge

40.   The wasting away of part of the body                                                               a _ _ o _ h _